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Alternate Universes

Sell Us Cards!


  • Submitting a buylist is your acknowledgement you have read, understand, and agree to all of these terms. The link to our buylist is at the bottom of this page.
  • You must be 18 years or older to sell to us. If you are under 18, a parent or legal guardian must sell on your behalf.
  • Our buylist prices are for informational purposes only and should not be considered an offer to buy. An offer is only made after we approve, receive, verify, and condition your submission.
  • In-store buy prices are based on the needs of that store and may differ from online buy prices. We cannot honor online buylist prices in-store. To receive online buy prices you must submit an offer online!
  • Buy prices and quantities are subject to change at any time. This is especially true when cards are banned, restricted, or announced as a reprint. Please do not rush to sell us banned, restricted, or reprinted cards before we have had a chance to update our prices.
  • We reserve the right to refuse any submission, for any reason or for no reason at all.
  • By sending us a shipment you agree to sell it to us "as-is."
  • You are responsible for all costs to deliver submissions to us.
  • If our buy price is too good to be true, it probably is. We are not obligated to honor obvious pricing errors. If our buy price for a card "normally" bought for $0.50 is $50.00, it is safe to assume we forgot the decimal point. If our buy price for an obscure Promo Pack foil is $5000, it is safe to assume corrupted pricing data.
  • Payouts over $1000 may be made in multiple installments. We will contact you beforehand to make arrangements.
  • If we receive any cards we determine to be counterfeit, we will contact you, mark the cards, and return them to you at your expense. Per 18 U.S. Code § 1341 it is unlawful for us to mail suspected counterfeit product without marking them.


Alternate Universes is always buying and our buylist is updated frequently. No collection is too large or too small. If you cannot find a certain item on our buylist, or you have any questions about how to sell us cards, please do not hesitate to contact us. We respond to all e-mails within a single business day or sooner.


We offer a 20% BONUS over our cash prices in store credit on all single cards sold to us. This bonus DOES NOT apply to bulk products. Store credit is good for anything on our website as well as any item in our store. Your store credit will never expire so feel free to save it up if there is nothing currently in stock that interests you.


All prices listed on our buylist, including bulk, are for Near Mint English cards. See our card condition guideWe are not currently purchasing foreign (non-English), signed, stamped, miscut, or altered cards via our website. If you are interested in selling us any of those, we would be more than happy to give you a quote in person at our store. If we receive any of those, we reserve the right to discount the buy price by up to 50% or ship them back at the cost of the customer. Please understand that we maintain a very high level of quality when it comes to card condition and as such, we are very strict with our conditioning. A card that you may consider Near Mint may be Light Play to us. Any cards in less than Near Mint condition will be bought at the following percentages of our Near Mint buy prices:

    • Light Play: 50% to 100% of Near Mint buy price
    • Moderate Play: 25% to 75% of Near Mint buy price
    • Heavy Play: 10% to 25% of Near Mint buy price
    • Damaged: If the Near Mint buy price is $5.00 or greater, 1% to 5% of Near Mint buy price. Otherwise it will be refused.

As a general rule, "tournament staples" in less than Near Mint condition will be purchased at rates toward the higher end of the range. "Collectible cards" in less than Near Mint condition will be purchased at rates toward the lower end of the range.


  • Verify you're in “buylist mode” by checking the upper-left corner of the screen for this icon: Buylist Mode
  • You can browse the product tree or use the search bar to quickly and easily find the cards that you’d like to sell us. Once you have located a card you’d like to sell, select the quantity and click the "Sell" button.
  • To edit your cart or check out, simply click the dollar bill at the top right.
  • Follow the on-screen instructions to finish your sell order.
  • Please wait for the confirmation e-mail to arrive. After your buylist is submitted, we have to double-check that all of the prices are accurate and that we still need the cards listed. This process usually takes less than 24 hours, but may take up to two business days. Please read this e-mail carefully when it arrives because changes are sometimes made. If you do not receive a confirmation e-mail within two business days, please contact us so we can manually confirm the status of your buylist.
  • Print out the confirmation e-mail and include it with your cards. Occasionally we receive buylists with no name on them and as such have a difficult time locating the seller. This is very bad and in some cases can mean many days, if not weeks, of delays. Make sure that your cards are sorted in the exact order that they appear on your confirmation e-mail. If your cards arrive out of order, there may be an additional delay of up to 5 business days before payment is sent. Please note that in certain extreme cases (huge buylists that are completely out of order), we reserve the right to either return the entire order or assess a penalty of up to 20% of the final value. We will contact you before processing your buylist if we intend to return it or assess a penalty.
  • Be sure to package your cards safely and securely. We recommend the use of plastic card cases or cardboard trading card boxes. Please make sure that all cards are unsleeved as this will greatly speed up the process. Do not put cards in plastic bags or wrap them with rubber bands as this tends to do more harm than good. For small buylists of high value cards, plastic toploaders sealed in bubble mailers work very well. We’re certain that you don’t want your cards to get damaged during transit, nor do we, so we cannot stress enough the importance of proper packaging for your cards.
  • All packages are to be shipped to the address below (AU Online Sales office) or dropped off in-person at any of our stores. If you choose to drop your order off at a store, please understand payment will be issued after our online store staff has processed your order.

Alternate Universes attn: Buyer

2173 MacDade Blvd Ste A

Holmes, PA 19043

  • We highly suggest you purchase some form of tracking and/or insurance for your package. Though it is rare, things do occasionally get lost or damaged in transit so you should make sure that you have taken the necessary precautions.
  • We fully understand that sometimes there are delays in shipping your cards to us, but due to the volatile nature of TCG prices, we ask that all buylists sent to us be received at our store within ten (10) business days of their acceptance. After that time, any prices we've quoted are subject to change.
  • We will e-mail you when we receive your package. You will receive another e-mail once your cards have been graded and a final value has been determined. This process is usually done within 24 hours but may take as long as two business days. Please refer to the table above with percentages paid for non-Near Mint cards. In order to make sure that everyone who sells cards to us is completely satisfied with their experience, we e-mail all sellers whose buylists depreciate by more than 15% or $100 in value due to downgrades in condition before we complete their submission. If we do not receive a reply within two business days, we continue to process the submission as usual.
  • We offer payment via PayPal, check, or store credit. Please note that if you select payment via PayPal, fees may apply. Payments will be sent out within two business days of sending you the final value e-mail.